The mesmerizing evening.

Arkar Kyaw
2 min readFeb 18, 2016


The more you inside-out your heart, the more the friends like brother you’ll find.

A couple of weeks ago, I have a chance to meet with my two friends who are already leading their life(I mean, they have a job while I’m still studying). We reunite to attend our convocation and we have a day off between rehearsal day and the D-day. So we planned to hike a nearby mountain which one of them wanted to go there since last year.

We went the half way up with bikes and then we started hike the towering mountains surrounding the town.

When we’re up there, it’s 2 pm and the sun shed her best light. It’s a spot where we can enjoy the whole town’s bird eye view. It’s a spot where we can be fugitives from the urban noises and busy foggy environment. It’s a spot where we can find the horizon in such a mountainous terrain.

The mountain top was crowded when we arrived. We moved to the highest point as the people started to went down because the air got colder as the sun sets.

There were just the three of us up there when we finally found a place to sit. We got into a conversation sipping redbull that we bought from a shop near our bike’s park. As the sun went down, our conversation got deeper with the dawn. We talked about our life, our feelings and our future.

The night before that day, we, the three of us alone, spend our time at a pub and we didn’t find our topic fun that much even with beer.

We were like “Oh shit, I feel the same way! I thought I was the only one who thought like this!!” when one talked about his own problem in his mind. We agreed, we argued, we laughed and we emptied our feelings that had been trapped in our thoughts. We opened up our heart and I feel more closer to them.

Looking back our timeline, smiles, laughters, sweats and tears are all part of our bonds which makes us feel like brothers even if we are not childhood friends.

This is the evening when none of us scrolled facebook or instagram, when none of us put earphones in our ears with highest volume, when none of us faked smile, when none of us step aside from the conversation just to avoid social conflicts, when the mountain breeze, the dawn and the three of us became one.

Sometimes, in our life, we should notice the little things which are happening just besides us. We just have to put aside our ego and desires and jump out from our daily routined life just to enjoy the moment.

